eDiscovery Software Gives Distributed Legal Teams the Agility & Collaboration They Need

distributed eDiscovery teams

eDiscovery Software Gives Distributed Legal Teams the Agility & Collaboration They Need

JD Supra Readers Choice Top Author 2020Written by Jim Gill
Content Chief, Ipro

For the past several months, the legal community has had to quickly adapt to the reality of working remotely in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Luckily, we live in a day and age where distributed eDiscovery teams can, for the most part, continue the work at hand, through the use and adoption of technology.

We’ve all become accustomed to communication through video chat platforms, and have even come to rely on these interactions, not only for teams within an organization, but for connection with the larger legal community (shout outs here to Ari Kaplan’s Virtual Lunch Series and David Cowen and his Cowen Café Series for their efforts on this front).

But more than Zoom calls keeping legal departments connected, even when they are truly “in-house” — like our eDiscovery Blues hero, Rick Compliance and his team above – it’s important to remember the eDiscovery software and both it’s security and agility which allows legal teams to not only stay in touch but continue their work.

Aaron Swenson, Product Director at Ipro, shared, “I think today, more than ever, problems that have always existed are magnified with teams becoming distributed practically overnight: the problems of agility, consistency, and collaboration. Before, co-located teams were able to walk over and talk about how to review a document or architect a review. Which seemed great, but a byproduct is that it limits consistency and review power to only the team that’s co-located. Today’s data is created by globally distributed teams, scaling up without boundaries. Approaching this problem, where review is a team sport without physical boundaries, is a perspective I think isn’t just a necessity today, but something that will give those firms embracing it competitive advantages over the long term.”

Which is why it’s so important to leverage eDiscovery technology that gives team members secure remote access for data ingestion and processing, as well as enabling collaboration with internal and external stakeholders.

That way, whether your legal team is in-house, in-office, in-kitchen, in-hotel, or in-the-backyard, the work of eDiscovery continues securely, defensibly, and seamlessly.

Read more of Ipro’s original legal comic “eDiscovery Blues” every Friday!