Hybrid eDiscovery: Because One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Hybrid eDiscovery for all

Hybrid eDiscovery: Because One Size Doesn’t Fit All

In the legal technology industry, we hear the word “agility” used quite a bit, mostly in regard to processes and workflow. eDiscovery traditionally has been a fairly fixed process, moving along the eDiscovery Reference Model (EDRM) with only slight variations on a theme.

Corporations create and maintain data (i.e. electronically stored information [ESI]), and in response to internal investigations and litigation, that data is preserved and collected, often by the in-house legal team. From there, the help of Alternative Legal Service Providers (ALSP) may be used to process that data into usable formats and outside law firms are called in to conduct review.

But if you ask any eDiscovery professional, “What is the best approach,” you’re likely to get the same answer again and again: It depends.

For such a legally regulated process, there are near-infinite variables that arise from matter to matter. Variations in data sizes and sources, in production requirements, in complexity. Which is why there are often so many moving parts and parties in the process, with varying degrees of involvement, depending on the needs of the case.

In response, many legal technology vendors carve out their approach, and their users adapt to the parameters. The only preference legal teams can choose is which vendors they employ. And because of the “it depends” nature of eDiscovery, they often need to employ a variety of software applications and services to cover everything.

And it works. It gets the job done. But is it agile? Does it provide a flexible and accessible framework that allows users the ability to get the job done however they want to get it done? Or is it a process built on compromise.

That is the goal of Hybrid eDiscovery: to give users the option to check whichever boxes they want to meet the needs of the matter at hand. Options on deployment, on scalability, on services, on pricing, without putting limits on processing power, AI and analytics, review capabilities, and production quality.

Hybrid eDiscovery allows you to take the current process of in-house legal teams, ALSPs, and outside law firms and customize it to your organization’s needs and preferences. And by adding transparency for all parties involved, while cutting down on the number of data hand-offs, a hybrid approach gives legal teams true agility at all stages of the eDiscovery process.

If you’re going to be at LegalTech in New York, February 5th, Hybrid eDiscovery will be the topic presented on the Legal Innovation Trends and Education Stage at 11:30am. Stop by and hear Ipro’s Aaron Swenson, Director of Product Growth and Strategy and Derek Miller, VP of Desktop Products discuss this rising trend in eDiscovery.