We all know the difference visuals can make in a presentation. The problem is, you went to law school instead of studying graphic design. Software can help, but if you’re not an expert at using it, you may as well go back to your flip chart. That’s where Ipro Trial Services come in to save the day.

Why use Ipro Trial Services?

When you head to trial, Ipro will be right by your side. Our professional trial consultants have logged hundreds of hours in the courtroom with some of the country’s leading lawyers. They will streamline your process by not only assisting you with the intensive preparation required leading up to trial, but also by partnering with your team in the courtroom.

Ipro offers proven services and solutions to address all your litigation needs, such as:

  • Deposition video and transcript synchronization. Video is compelling, persuasive, and a must for optimal courtroom storytelling. Ipro’s video products offer complete encoding and synchronization services, regardless of file size. Our synchronized depositions simplify the review of testimony, locating crucial elements, and creating and exporting clips that contain both the video and the relevant text.
  • War room and witness preparation. We’ll help you create the ideal war room – a technological duplicate of the courtroom available to you 24/7 – where your trial team can conduct run-throughs, gather exhibits, handle jury exercises, and prepare witnesses.
  • Trial preparation. Ipro’s trial consultants create illustrative graphics, provide document imaging and management services, and maintain presentation and war room system integrity throughout the trial.
  • Hot seat presentations. Ipro makes putting on a case seamless with TrialDirector 360®, the most in-demand trial presentation software on the market. Our trial consultants utilize TrialDirector 360 along with other cutting-edge technology platforms to help you tell your story for maximum jury impact.
  • Courtroom presentation. You only have one chance to deliver your message in the courtroom. Ipro’s team of professionals effortlessly handles real-time challenges, produces flawless courtroom presentations, and provides exceptional results every time.

These services and others allow your litigation team to concentrate on case theory, litigation strategy, and the law, rather than worrying about the nuts and bolts of trial technology. Ipro offers case consulting and assistance services from discovery through trial to litigators across the U.S.