What is In-Place Preservation and How Does It Affect Your eDiscovery Workflow

In-Place Preservation

What is In-Place Preservation and How Does It Affect Your eDiscovery Workflow

JD Supra Readers Choice Top Author 2020Written by Jim Gill
Content Chief, Ipro

There has been a lot of discussion around In-Place Preservation (IPP) over the past few years, but many in the legal industry are still unsure of its potential for eDiscovery, data privacy, and compliance.

A good first step is to define what we mean by IPP and how that changes whether you’re talking about data retention policies or legal hold.

For retention, preserving data in-place simply means you retain the data where it’s actually being used, rather than moving it to a separate archiving solution or to a separate location the way we would move paper boxes to a warehouse (which is exactly the struggle Rick Compliance is facing in this week’s eDiscovery Blues™ comic.)

For a legal hold, the goal is to ensure data is locked down automatically, without relying on the custodian to do it, so that it cannot be altered or deleted, as it’s subject to impending litigation.

As Mike Quartararo, president of ACEDS, puts it, “In-Place Preservation to me is one of those safeguards that you bake into your workflow, your eDiscovery process, and particularly the preservation process, that is really designed to make your life easier down the road. If you don’t preserve it properly upfront, the likelihood of success later down the road is reduced.”

The ability to set retention rules on enterprise email servers has been available for some time, but a challenge that organizations face today with preserving data, particularly in-place, is how to do this across the multiple data sources that are in constant use:

  • Email sources like Outlook and G-Suite
  • Messaging apps like Teams and Slack
  • Cloud repositories like Box, OneDrive, and Google Drive
  • Video conferencing apps like Zoom

These are never really frozen in time. So if data is locked or preserved in-place in response to litigation, the functionality of those tools is affected, which disrupts business.

So IPP in terms of legal hold may require creative software solutions that can preserve data in-place, while allowing regular business operations to continue. No small feat, but absolutely a reality which can push legal teams to the next level for defensibility, security, and efficiency.

Want to hear a full discussion on IPP and In-Place EDA?
Listen to this deep dive from Mike Quartararo from ACEDS, Frederic Bourget from NetGovern,
and Ryan Joyce and Jim Gill from Ipro!

6 Ways the Ipro / Netgovern Partnership Can Jump Start Your eDiscovery Process

Ipro Netgovern eDiscovery Partnership

6 Ways the Ipro / Netgovern Partnership Can Jump Start Your eDiscovery Process

For nearly 20 years, Montreal’s NetGovern has supported a range of private organizations and public institutions with information governance needs, helping them meet data compliance requirements, safeguard personal information, and protect reputations while securing sensitive data. In January 2020, Ipro announced a strategic partnership with NetGovern, providing a new approach to performing Early Data Assessment (EDA). This initiative will enable clients to rapidly review relevant data before it is collected, dramatically lowering expensive eDiscovery costs.

One person well-acquainted with the challenges presented when interacting with Electronically Stored Information (ESI) is Frederic Bourget, CTO at NetGovern. The chief difficulty of this work is the same that Bourget encounters in software development: the result is unknown at the start. To encourage more efficiency, programmers today utilize the agile practice of iterative development, in which each step requires a discrete objective, deadline, and evaluation. In a recent blog, Frederic wrote, “The general concept of eDiscovery is to collect as much ESI as you can—to avoid missing anything—and then to review the data through an efficient, industrialized process.” However, he continues by saying, “the efficiency gains of this linear process come at a higher cost of rework. eDiscovery is more of an investigation process. As a better understanding develops, you have the ability to return to the ESI source in an iterative way to build the case timeline and presentation.”

And that’s what the NetGovern / Ipro partnership does: it re-imagines the eDiscovery process with a focus on agility. Here are 6 other ways this partnership benefits companies:


Leveraging the right technological tools creates a number of important benefits. First and foremost: minimizing review costs by reducing the time required to sift through large quantities of pertinent data.

“If clients can interact with ESI early in an eDiscovery case, and on an ongoing basis, they can interactively process, review, and collect only the data that is relevant.”


Delivering less data to an opposing party or legal-service provider reduces the risk of data breaches and loss.

“Moving large swaths of data and storing multiple copies under unknown security conditions is a risky proposition in a world where all organizations have fallen, at least once, for phishing attacks.”


Few lawsuits ever go through the full range of procedures to trial. Rapid resolution and minimal business disruption are more likely with direct access to data for assessment and being able to perform interactive investigation as the case evolves.

“Facts speak volumes and provide serious leverage.” 


Some keywords may reveal no relevant information at all. Creating an effective keyword set requires a thorough insight of the data at hand.

“Having visibility into the data allows you to assess if the [terms] are too broad and would result in collecting too much data, breaking proportionality, and putting your confidential business information at risk.”


The variety of locations and platforms companies use to manage communications and information can impede deadline-sensitive eDiscovery, particularly when legal teams must rely on IT, InfoSec, or outside firms to gather data.

“Providing intuitive and user-friendly tools to the legal team, to be able to run searches and collections, puts the efficiency of the process directly into their hands. Imagine being able to move seamlessly between collection, processing, and review all within one pane of glass.”


As with strategically limiting the volume of data on the front end, limiting the number of people involved also reduces risk.

“If legal can operate within their team boundary, they can perform investigations without having to explain to IT, or to an external firm, who and what are being investigated. Internal affairs stay quiet and are handled confidentially.”

To learn more about how the Ipro + NetGovern partnership can benefit you
Listen to this webinar featuring speakers from both companies and co-sponsored with ACEDS:

In-Place Preservation, Hype or Cutting Edge?

eDiscovery Software Gives Distributed Legal Teams the Agility & Collaboration They Need

distributed eDiscovery teams

eDiscovery Software Gives Distributed Legal Teams the Agility & Collaboration They Need

JD Supra Readers Choice Top Author 2020Written by Jim Gill
Content Chief, Ipro

For the past several months, the legal community has had to quickly adapt to the reality of working remotely in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Luckily, we live in a day and age where distributed eDiscovery teams can, for the most part, continue the work at hand, through the use and adoption of technology.

We’ve all become accustomed to communication through video chat platforms, and have even come to rely on these interactions, not only for teams within an organization, but for connection with the larger legal community (shout outs here to Ari Kaplan’s Virtual Lunch Series and David Cowen and his Cowen Café Series for their efforts on this front).

But more than Zoom calls keeping legal departments connected, even when they are truly “in-house” — like our eDiscovery Blues hero, Rick Compliance and his team above – it’s important to remember the eDiscovery software and both it’s security and agility which allows legal teams to not only stay in touch but continue their work.

Aaron Swenson, Product Director at Ipro, shared, “I think today, more than ever, problems that have always existed are magnified with teams becoming distributed practically overnight: the problems of agility, consistency, and collaboration. Before, co-located teams were able to walk over and talk about how to review a document or architect a review. Which seemed great, but a byproduct is that it limits consistency and review power to only the team that’s co-located. Today’s data is created by globally distributed teams, scaling up without boundaries. Approaching this problem, where review is a team sport without physical boundaries, is a perspective I think isn’t just a necessity today, but something that will give those firms embracing it competitive advantages over the long term.”

Which is why it’s so important to leverage eDiscovery technology that gives team members secure remote access for data ingestion and processing, as well as enabling collaboration with internal and external stakeholders.

That way, whether your legal team is in-house, in-office, in-kitchen, in-hotel, or in-the-backyard, the work of eDiscovery continues securely, defensibly, and seamlessly.

Read more of Ipro’s original legal comic “eDiscovery Blues” every Friday!


Sharing Knowledge and Strengthening Education, Ipro Is Excited To Partner with eDiscovery Today

Ipro and eDiscovery Today Partnership

Ipro, the global leader in eDiscovery solutions, is pleased to announce an educational content partnership with eDiscovery Today.

Founded by industry leader Doug Austin, eDiscovery Today is a daily resource for eDiscovery and eDisclosure professionals seeking to keep up with trends, best practices, and case law in electronic discovery, cybersecurity, and data privacy. With this partnership, Ipro and eDiscovery Today will broaden their ability to highlight, share, and co-create the highest quality educational and knowledge-sharing thought-leadership covering all segments of the legal technology industry, including Corporate Legal Teams, Law Firms, Government Agencies, and Legal Service Providers.

“Doug Austin is a strong voice in the LegalTech community,” shared Jim Gill, Content Chief for Ipro. “It’s an honor to partner with him and broaden eDiscovery knowledge for our community. Ipro is excited to invest in education showcasing Doug’s insights through the rapidly growing thought-leadership program at Ipro.”

“Ipro has been making eDiscovery easier for the legal community literally for decades through their meaningful solutions and their breadth of educational resources, including their blog, white papers, and webinars,” said Doug Austin, Editor of the new eDiscovery Today blog.  “I am excited to announce Ipro as an Educational Sponsor of eDiscovery Today, and I look forward to working together to bring even more educational content and resources to the legal community.”

As part of their educational partnership, Ipro and eDiscovery Today will also be co-sponsoring a thought leader podcast series starting in Q3 of 2020. Conducting and publishing interviews with eDiscovery and cybersecurity experts, Ipro is able to bring thought leadership to the forefront for the legal community.

Look for this podcast series and other additional content initiatives coming soon from the Ipro and eDiscovery Today educational content sponsorship.

About eDiscovery Today blog
Authored and edited by industry expert Doug Austin, eDiscovery Today is the only daily go-to resource for eDiscovery and eDisclosure professionals seeking to keep up with trends, best practices, and case law in electronic discovery, cybersecurity and data privacy. Doug has over thirty years of experience as an industry thought leader providing eDiscovery best practices, legal technology consulting, software product management and technical project management services for numerous Corporate and Government clients.

About Ipro Tech, LLC
Ipro is a global leader in eDiscovery technology used by legal professionals to streamline discovery of electronic data through presentation at trial. Ipro draws upon decades of innovation to deliver high-performance software, services, and support, bundled as a solution and deployed the way you want it—Desktop, On-prem, Cloud, or Hybrid—significantly reducing the cost and complexity of eDiscovery. For more information, visit www.Iprotech.com.



How Government Agencies Walk the Line with Legacy Software

Government agencies legacy software

How Government Agencies Walk the Line with Legacy Software

JD Supra Readers Choice Top Author 2020Written by Jim Gill
Content Chief, Ipro

Have you ever cleaned out your closet and found that shoebox full of cassettes from college? Companies and government agencies are no different. Many of their electronic files are stored as legacy file types which are no longer supported. And these aren’t just files that are of little significance.

In an article from October 2019, Ars Technica reported that the U.S. Air Force’s intercontinental ballistic missile command had finally stopped storing data on 8-inch floppy disks. You read that correctly: data from active nuclear missile sites was being captured and managed using 40+ year-old technology. The Air Force cites the use of these legacy systems as a cybersecurity advantage, and even though data is now stored on a “highly secure solid state digital storage solution,” the Strategic Air Command still relies on IBM Series/1 computers installed at Minuteman II sites in the 1960s and 1970s.

One of the biggest challenges with legacy systems is that they work fine as long as things remain “business as usual.” But when outside events change the status quo, unforeseen weaknesses and challenges can arise quickly.

With the COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020, the number of applications for benefits from the CARES Act, passed in late March 2020, overwhelmed state employment offices. A good deal of the gridlock was state agencies relying on a 60-year-old programming language called COBOL, causing claims to take as long as two weeks to process.

As Robin Roberson, executive director of the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission, put the situation, “Our mainframe is literally over 30 years old. It’s very difficult to program, it doesn’t do much, [and] COBOL programmers are somewhat scarce.”

State agencies across the country are scrambling to update COBOL code, but according to Gartner, the average age of a COBOL programmer is above 60. Mahmoud Ezzeldin, 75, who was a COBOL programmer for Blue Cross Blue Shield and the IRS, offered to come out of retirement and volunteer help in training organizations updating their systems to meet the increased demand for relief benefits.

From an eDiscovery perspective, legacy data can prove a challenge as well. Government agencies, corporations, and law firms all most likely have some legacy data they may have to contend with regarding investigations, litigation, and FOIA or other compliance requests. As this week’s eDiscovery Blues cartoon highlights, these organizations may have the information required, but getting that data into a format that is reviewable and producible is where the challenge lies.

Which is why it’s important to work closely with your IT department to know if your organization has any potential legacy data obstacles, as well as ensuring that you have an eDiscovery technology partner who can effectively and efficiently manage those challenges.

Otherwise, you may end up like Rick Compliance, eDiscovery Manager, scouring the internet for used floppy drives.

Read More about How Your Legal Team is Being Held Back by Legacy eDiscovery Software


Introducing Ipro’s Legal Technology Comic Strip “eDiscovery Blues”

JD Supra Readers Choice Top Author 2020Written by Jim Gill
Content Chief, Ipro

I’ve said before that a sense of humor isn’t necessary in eDiscovery, but it sure helps. Which is why Ipro has created our own comic strip, eDiscovery Blues™.

Today’s strip features our hero, eDiscovery Manager Rick Compliance, facing communication challenges with his IT Dept.

There is no denying that communication (or the lack thereof) can be an obstacle when it comes to reaching objectives. One main issue for Corporate Legal Teams is that so many of the stakeholders involved with the legal department communicate in very different ways.

These stakeholders usually include:

  • The IT department, whose main concern will be data security
  • The company’s business units, who will ask “How is legal enabling business for the company?”
  • Other departments such as Risk & Compliance, Accounting, or HR

By connecting with these various groups within the company and discussing overall goals, as well as departmental goals, opportunities for efficiency will begin to appear. The key for legal departments is to open up clear lines of communication and put in the time and effort to build relationships and processes that will pay off in the end.

Which is why it’s helpful to find a “translator” who can bridge the gap between Legal, IT, and other business units to help identify obstacles to communication that may be getting in the way of efficiency. Once this is established, regular meetings or check-ins may be needed to clarify any issues between those stakeholders which may arise as a result of implementing new processes.

Tune in Next Friday for more eDiscovery Blues!

Want to learn more about how corporate legal teams can align with IT and other departments?
Listen to our latest webinar on-demand!

More Cases, Less Effort: How eDiscovery Technology Enables the Small & Mid-Sized Law Firm

eDiscovery Mid-Sized Law Firm

More Cases, Less Effort: How eDiscovery Technology Enables the Small & Mid-Sized Law Firm

Paul, Plevin, Sullivan & Connaughton (PPS&C) LLP was formed in 1998 by four partners who specialize in Labor and Employment litigation.  Now with 29 lawyers devoted to defending and advising employers, Paul Plevin is recognized as one of California’s top management-side labor and employment law firms, representing employers in discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, trade secret, union-management, and other employment-related matters throughout California and, increasingly, nationwide.

Whitney Farrell is a paralegal at PPS&C, and one of five people who act as a small eDiscovery department within the firm. Along with two members of the IT department, this team knows the benefit of Ipro solutions and work cohesively when starting the process of eDiscovery.

As Whitney puts it, “We are a mid-sized firm, and Ipro is great for our needs, being instrumental in allowing our five paralegals to quickly intake documents on the fly. With the ability to work harmoniously between programs, we utilize Ipro’s eDiscovery tools daily. Then, for the two or three times a year as we prepare for arbitration or trial, we can tie everything together in TrialDirector.”

Leveraging Technology to Streamline the eDiscovery Workflow

Ten years ago, Paul Plevin used Adobe to manage case documents, then moved to an earlier Ipro product, eScanit, along with Concordance, but the firm was growing, and so were document counts. They needed a complete suite of products that would allow them to process, review, and produce documents.

As Whitney stated, “Litigation moves fast, and Ipro continues to keep up with the pace. Now our paralegals are able to streamline the intake process and speed through any processing jobs, allowing our attorneys to review as soon as possible.”

She continues, “Ipro’s processing engine allows us to all work within the controller at one time, which has helped tremendously with workflow. Previously, we had workstations set up in a separate office, so we would have to physically change locations to process any jobs. Now, with a single, centralized controller on all of our computers, we are able to work from our desks. This has greatly improved our workflow, and we all process so much faster now. Attorneys also love Ipro for desktop and responded positively when we transitioned from our previous vendor. Now, the staff are able to perform document review quickly and easily.”

Scaling for a Variety of Cases and Clients

Case size can vary greatly depending on the matter, and the need to scale becomes vital. For example, union arbitration cases are relatively small, often with only a few hundred documents, and come and go quickly. At the same time, staff may get a special request to look at a plaintiff’s emails in their entirety (e.g. 10 years of emails, 150k+ documents), which will exponentially grow the database.

During a complaint involving a hospital – which was originally filed in December of 2013, when they were still using Concordance – PPS&C decided to migrate to Ipro solutions. Moving 10k documents was seamless, and attorneys were able to manage the case quickly, as well as now being able to import documents into TrialDirector for the trial.

“The fact that we were able to easily switch software in the middle of an ongoing case, which we then won, says a lot,” according to Whitney.  “This same case was recently called back on appeal, and when we opened the case in the software, it was all still easily accessible, and we were ready to move forward immediately.”

Not only does Ipro provide the power and scalability to handle large electronic datasets, transferring files sent via email, file transfer, or hard drive, it also has the flexibility to deal with legacy files. In one recent case involving a professor who had been at his university for 25 years, Paul Plevin received boxes of paper documents dropped at their offices. But with Ipro, they were able to scan them directly, utilizing the powerful processing engine, and immediately prepare the attorneys for review.

“A One-Stop-Shop”

When asked what she likes most about Ipro, Whitney responded, “Everything I need is in one place, and all the products work so well together. It breaks everything down into a straightforward, three-step process: processing, administration, and review. Ipro is truly a one-stop-shop. And the post-processing Quality Control (QC) module – which we always use whether the dataset is a single page or a thousand emails – allows us to keep clean, clutter-free, accurate databases, keeping attorneys from wasting time with bad data, and instead, has them quickly moving into review.”

“And besides the software,” Whitney adds, “Ipro’s tech support and training teams are amazing. I’m always able to get the help I need to solve any problem. Ipro makes our process quick and effective, allowing us to save time and take on additional cases without additional effort. It was so easy to make the switch, our attorneys love it, and we haven’t looked back.”

Want to learn more about how Ipro helps small and mid-sized law firms
use technology to compete with the AmLaw 200?

Listen to this webinar with PPS&C’s Whitney Farrell and and Wilson, Turner, Kosmo’s Justin Peña

 3 New Reasons to be an Ipro Certified Administrator

 3 New Reasons to be an Ipro Certified Administrator

We know you’re adjusting to the global crisis, which is why, in these uncertain times, we’re introducing a new way to become an Ipro Certified Administrator through our new Virtual Instructor-Led Web Series.

“We know that education is the key to customer success and that hasn’t changed,” says Julie Badger, Product Learning Experience manager for Ipro. “The adjustments we’ve made to the course structure, to facilitate distance learning, are our way of showing our community we are with you.”

This training is for you if you want to:

  • Be a best in class Ipro Administrator
  • Optimize your workflow
  • Exceed business objectives
  • Leverage advanced tools like a pro
  • Reduce project start to completion time

Available for Ipro for enterprise, Ipro for desktop TrialDirector 360, TrialDirector 6.8, and Eclipse SE, each web series is comprised of 3-4 sessions, making it easier than ever to get certificated with:

1. Less Time
There’s no need to be away from the office for two full business days. Our new Virtual Instructor-Led Web Series now happens conveniently online and in smaller, three-hour intervals.

2. Less Money
Now there’s less pressure on the bottom line. Because the Ipro Administrator Web Series is less expensive for us to run, we can pass the savings on to you.

3. More Skills
We leverage the proven Hear, See, Do learning method so you get the most value out of your learning experience. Our lecture-based format is followed by exercises designed to help you dive deep into the product and learn at your own pace.

Now more than ever, it’s time to hone your skills and sharpen the blade – and stay healthy and safe.

Plus, you’ll learn from the best as the training team guides you through the product using their many years of experience in the eDiscovery field.

“We can’t wait to meet you and help you up your Ipro eDiscovery game,” Badger adds.

Learn More Now

Thinking Outside the eDiscovery Box: How Technology Solves Data Problems Beyond Litigation

eDiscovery beyond litigation

Thinking Outside the eDiscovery Box: How Technology Solves Data Problems Beyond Litigation

JD Supra Readers Choice Top Author 2020Written by Jim Gill
Content Chief, Ipro

Back in 2006, when Rule 34 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) was amended to create a new category of discoverable information – Electronically Stored Information or ESI – eDiscovery was legitimized, and eDiscovery software was created to move ESI through the litigation process.

Fast forward to 2020, and ESI has grown in both size and complexity – terabytes (or even petabytes) of data from multiple sources like social media, email, chat, the Internet of Things (IoT) – and the goal of collecting, processing, and analyzing data for litigation has proven even more challenging.

But focusing on this challenge creates tunnel vision and overshadows other ways this powerful eDiscovery technology can be used. Anytime an organization needs to quickly ingest, organize, analyze, and report on large datasets, eDiscovery software offers an immediate solution and can be applied in various ways. One example is how government agencies are finding eDiscovery software is the perfect tool for responding to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

Another example of thinking outside the eDiscovery box comes from J.S. Held, a company providing services for commercial contractors, allowing them to better understand where issues arise in their construction projects. In a recent conversation with Tim Martin, Technical Project Manager at J.S. Held, he shared, “We use the Ipro eDiscovery solution internally to handle the large volume of data created and generated during a construction project. When we receive hard drives of files from clients, Ipro enables us to quickly search, tag, code, and sort those documents, allowing us to review them with a streamlined approach and within a quicker timeframe.”

Previously, the team at J.S. Held would load files from clients, which in some cases had over a million documents, onto a file server, then have to manually open each one of those files and move them into a folder to classify them by type. “But by using Ipro analytics, we can do that on ingestion. As soon as the documents come in, we gain a clear picture of the data, and it can be quickly coded and classified, enabling us to cut sorting and coding times down to measurable hours, as opposed to the days it would have taken with our old process.”

In the end, that’s what eDiscovery software does: ingests a large volume of data, giving the user deep insight into what’s there with the ability to easily track and report those findings. It has so many applications across multiple industries, like commercial construction. It doesn’t matter if that data is a part of litigation or not. And as enterprise data continues to grow exponentially, this insight becomes more and more vital. As Tim from J.S. Held puts it, “By finding that needle in the haystack sooner, we can quickly and accurately communicate any issues to clients, which they greatly appreciate.”

Want to learn more about eDiscovery challenges and solutions?

ProSearch, PayPal, Squire Patton Boggs, Receive 2020 eDiscovery Innovator Awards

2020 Ipro eDiscovery Innovator Awards

ProSearch, PayPal, Squire Patton Boggs, Receive 2020 Ipro eDiscovery Innovator Awards

Ipro is pleased to announce the winners of the 2020 eDiscovery Innovator Awards. Chosen from over 3,000 Ipro customers, these awards were presented at the Ipro Tech Show held earlier this year at Arizona State University’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law.

Legal Service Provider

This year’s winner in the Legal Service Provider category is ProSearch. Not only are they incredibly capable on core processing capabilities and are so well ingrained with what clients do as a business, they are truly pushing the envelope on how to deliver more value to customers using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).

As Dean Brown, Ipro CEO, stated at the awards ceremony, “ProSearch has processed over eleven and a half petabytes of data in the last few years. What’s in a petabyte? This is three to five times more information than the Library of Congress holds in its entire digital collection. This is an incredibly capable team doing things that are well beyond what you would expect from a legal service provider. I come away fascinated and amazed every time I hear about what they are doing.”

The team from ProSearch responded to the award by saying, “We’ve been partners with Ipro for many years, and a lot of our success comes from that partnership. Their powerful platform has allowed us to automate job management and ultimately process a lot of data for our clients with flexibility, customization, and consistency. And the Ipro support staff and engineers have been with us every step of the way, helping us to solve challenges, explore new questions and new ideas. We’re very thankful.”


This year’s winner in the Corporate category is PayPal, a team that has consistently been singled out as blazing a trail of innovation, doing more with less, and integrating legal operations.

As Dean stated at the award ceremony, “There is always some friction between Legal, IT, business units, and outside counsel, but this team has gotten past that. They have brought in outside counsel and are collaborating through preferred relationships, while bridging the gap with business and IT in ways I’ve not seen done better.”

On accepting the award, Cecil Lynn, Global eDiscovery Director at PayPal, said, “We appreciate the honor, and I can’t tell you how humbled we are by this accolade. It has truly been a team effort here at PayPal to embody the holistic approach to innovation. But you know innovation is a two-way street, and we are incredibly thankful and proud to have a partner in Ipro, who we consider part of our extended family. They truly listen to us and have heard us and have seen our vision. We truly appreciate Ipro, not just for what they’ve done for PayPal, but for other corporate clients and the rest of the eDiscovery community.”

Law Firm

This year’s winner in the Law Firm category is Squire Patton Boggs, who for years now has received headlines in the popular press lauding them for “Most Innovative Use of Technology by a Large Law Firm” and giving “Top Marks in 2020 on the Corporate Equality Index.”

As Dean shared at the award ceremony, “It’s this kind of entrepreneurial spirit coupled with an open, inclusive culture favoring diversity that resonates so much in the industry. For me, it is one of the many reasons I’ve enjoyed working with this group of people.”

The team from Squire Patton Boggs responded to the award by saying, “First of all, we’d like to thank Ipro for all the work you help us through. Certainly, this type of recognition is not achieved without it. We would also like to say thanks to the entire team that has brought us this far. There are only ten of us servicing the entire globe, but we are efficient and effective. We are afforded this opportunity because of the attorneys, the leadership, and the innovation committee at Squire that gives us the latitude and the ability to go and serve our clients as best we can.”


If you missed the Ipro Tech Show this year or just want to re-live some of the action
Visit the Ipro Tech Show 2020 Virtual Replay!